Pornography's Far-Reaching Impacts


Here's a brief summary of how pornography is causing destruction to the viewer, as well as society at large. Visit us at to find hope and solutions today. We have practical, biblical materials to help men and women, both single and married, get freed from this addiction and also tools for spouses to heal, cope, and process from it’s effects. We run seminars specific to your needs. Contact us for more information.

"Nearly half (49%) of sexually exploited women said that pornography was made of them while they were being sold for sex.": “By the Numbers: Is the Porn Industry Connected to Sex Trafficking?” Fight the New Drug. (retrieved October 10, 2019).

80% of trafficked victims are sexually exploited: Ever Accountable. “The Link Between Pornography and Human Trafficking.” (retrieved October 9, 2019).


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