How To Easily Make a Custom Mirror Frame


Materials Used: Liquid Nails Fuze It:
Flat Angle Bracket:
Lint Free Towel:
Varathane Stain (Home Depot is cheaper):
1 x 4 Lumber (Home Depot is cheaper):

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Tools Used: Great Inexpensive Toolkit:
Cordless Drill:
Drill Bits:
Measuring Tape:

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Other Bathroom Budget Makeover videos: Custom Towel Rack:
Bathroom Sink Replace:
Cabinet Update:

Thanks for watching!
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Not Sponsored. TheBeefmaster assumes no liability for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. All material provided within this Youtube channel is for informational, educational, & entertainment purposes only. Some of these projects, materials, and techniques may not be appropriate for all ages or skill levels. No information contained in this video shall create any express or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. TheBeefmaster will not take responsibility of what you do with the information provided by this channel. Any injury, damage or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not Beefmaster. TheBeefmaster does not make any claims of the safety of the projects, techniques, or resources listed on this channel. Please do not attempt anything contained in this video unless you accept personal responsibility for the results, whether they are good or bad.


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