Денис Чердак, Александр Кондрашов, Таир, GlebaTV, Русский из Гетто | Русские Блогеры в США


Today in the video Denis Cherdak, Alexander Kondrashov, Tair, GlebaTV, Russian from Ghetto share their experience. You will see how Russian Bloggers in the USA conquer YouTube, TikTok, Instagram and other social networks. In other words, this is a special issue of my permanent pro project called # profession # blogger. Denis Cherdak will show us his Ferrari, as well as reveal the secrets of his personal life. Alexander Kondrashov is frank about his earnings on YouTube, how you can monetize your YouTube channel and how much advertising integration costs on his channel. GlebTV will tell you where he got his police car and name his favorite tracks, tell how Americans complain about him in Uber. And also why Tair Mamedov disappears so often and how Anton Russian from the Ghetto, aka HoodRussian, ended up in the Los Angeles ghetto.


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