Elevate Your Self-Worth


Do you need your confidence renewed? Are you walking through storms of depression with signs of a low self esteem and a downcast mind? Struggling to believe that you are worthy, find it difficult to believe that something beautiful is possible from your existence, struggle to think you are uniquely made and special?
Have you lost your sense of value in one way or another? Do you still have dreams, ambitions, and a desire for a better life? Do you want to re define your purpose, or have you surrendered your fight for self esteem, thereby compromising your potential for success?
Have you settled for a mediocre life, days filled with despair and nights filled with tears? Have you lost your self-esteem and your desire to be successful? Are you merely existing in search of a resurrection from your current state? Do you feel discarded by others or even dumped by yourself? What drove you into this condition of despair?
Is it anxiety, guilt, or perhaps a sense of inferiority?
Let me ask you, what is your value?
Have you experienced a term in your life when you feel like life has crumpled you into a ball and stepped on you a few times, testing your strength and endurance to the point you want to give in and give up on life?
Do you still have a small flame of hope burning within? As long as you can breathe, there is hope. Do you desire with all your heart to reach your full potential and shake off all your regrets and shame and failures? Replace it with a new chance to regain your self-worth and be incredibly blessed. Start again with a clean slate without any condemnation. Where will your help come from?
Whatever happened in your life, no matter how crumpled or dirty you may feel, it has not depreciated your value by one cent in the eyes of your Creator. God loves you. More than you can ever imagine. The price for all your faults, guilt, and shame has been paid in full by Jesus Christ on the cross. You can receive complete forgiveness, not by your works but by His grace alone. That’s right, you don’t have to do anything at all to receive this forgiveness. No actions can earn it. Acknowledge Jesus as your Saviour. His grace is enough.
Simply acknowledge your faults and shortcomings, ask for forgiveness, forgive those who caused you hurt, and accept Jesus into your life as your Saviour. If you can only believe, all things are possible to you if you believe. Pray this sinner’s prayer and believe you have received forgiveness, a clean slate from your past, and salvation through the precious blood of Jesus. Start to read the Bible and gain wisdom and knowledge in abundance while searching the scriptures and growing your in-depth relationship with your loving Father in heaven. Amen.
You may find yourself crumpled on the floor. No matter what you’ve gone through in life, you have not lost your value. It is time to get back up and start again from your clean slate. Dust yourself off and keep moving forward. You are more valuable than currency and gold. You are unique and incredibly precious! Your life matters. You are immeasurably Valuable! Pick up your pieces and start again. Let your life be a testimony of a resurrection from despair back to a life filled with joy, peace, and success.
Stop beating yourself up. You need a reset. You need to recalibrate your value measurement against different reference instruments. See yourself through another pair of eyes. You are like a flower bud ready to bloom as soon as you regain perspective of your internal worth. Restart your race and start afresh, prepared to run and experience all the beauty and favour destined for your precious life.
It is necessary to re-teach you the value of your loveliness until you can flower again. Restore your faith and help you to re-define your purpose. Help you to regain your worth and live a soaring life.
Start to search for personal development methods to regain your self-belief and the opportunity to rise again, soaring back into a life filled with hope, dreams, purpose, and destiny?
Your brain is a unique and brilliant organ. It contains your entire personality made up of instincts, thoughts, memories, and habits, all going through a continually changing process. Your mind alone can elevate you and fill you with hope and optimism or introduce negativity and drive you into depression. Your mind can take you on a roller coaster ride of elevation and depression, introducing complete peace and happiness or severe destruction.
Control your mind. The secret is to cultivate positive thoughts and positive habits. You become what you think about. Even though you know all of this, sometimes you find yourself wandering off the track into storms of negativity and depression. Put positive thoughts in your mind, and you will harvest optimism and success. Fill your mind with positive thinking. You are the accumulated total of your thoughts. You are the creator of your destiny. May you have the confidence to give your best always.


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