How to Earn BNB and ETH UPDATED 4.19.22 F*L*A*S*H L*O*A*N Arbitrage With Metamask Smart Contract


This method shows you How to Earn BNB and ETH UPDATED 4.19.22 from the F*l*a*s*h L*o*a*n contract available on the BSC and ETH chain allows you to earn BNB/ETH with no zero collateral F*l*a*s*h L*o*a*n Full tutorial and code, engaging with PancakeSwap or Uniswap using MetaMask wallet and remix deployment. Code UPDATED 4.19.22

This FL Arbitrage Trick is up-to-date and working!

Contract Code:

Click the below link and copy&paste that contract code to remix

This is just my example that worked. Under some rare cases, the FL arbitrage may fail due to depleted BNB/ETH and higher gas prices. Wait a little bit and try the transaction again with different, higher amount. You just have to go from the deposit liquidity step. The transaction is likely to fail on certain low gas fee occasions.


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