Online Roulette in India | Best Live Roulette Casino in India Play live roulette casino in Hindi Live dealer roulette casino games are usually streamed over the internet, allowing players to watch both the table and the dealer, and all the live action as it unfolds. The live roulette casino dealer will behave in the same way as those you’ll find in a brick and mortar casino, and will, for example, ask you to place bets and make choices where necessary. You can do so via the interface where you can choose how much to bet and what kind of bets you want to play. Your choices will show up in front the croupier or dealer, who in turn can play his hands or spin the roulette, depending on the online casino live game you are playing. Traditionally, there will be plenty of cameras at each table and you’ll be able to follow the action through a variety of angles. For example, if you’re playing live roulette, live poker or live blackjack you could also s...